Release notes

  • v 1.3.0 (1.06.2024) Added: - WalletConnect support

  • v 1.2.0 (03.06.2024) Added: - Split-swaps Fixed: - Backend response time optimize (2-3 times faster now)

  • v 1.1.0 (22.05.2024) Redesign

  • v 1.0.5 (25.04.2024) Fixed: - Disable input fields when loader is active (switching output amount)

  • v 1.0.4 (15.04.2024) Added: - Token balance displaying in corner of input field - Token balances displaying in tokens selection modal Fixed: - Preserve token amount in input field on switching token - Preserve token amount in input field after associating token - Preserve token amount in input field after executing swap - Interval with requesting new rate now works more precise, also fixed double-requesting same rate - Add 5% to slippage options (to be able to process tokens with high custom fees)

  • v 1.0.3 (02.04.2024) Added: - 186 new tokens (711 in total) - Warning on exchange tokens with custom fees (like BSL) - Advanced smart-routing algorithm (output amount should become even better) Fixed: - Spinner on fetching rate

  • v 1.0.2 (23.03.2024) Fixed: - SaucerSwapV2 execution error when smart-route using pools with different fees - WHBAR address in route output param replaced by AddressZero

  • v 1.0.1 (18.03.2024) Added: - Smart routing (indirect swaps)

  • v 1.0.0 (07.03.2024) Added: - SaucerSwapV2 integration - Introduce of API Updated: - Set HeliSwap fee as 0.3%. Now all providers has 0.3% fee on our side

  • v 0.3.4 (10.02.2024) Added: - Token association buttons - HSuite fee display Fixed: - Skip provider if failed to download it token list

  • v 0.3.3 (15.01.2024) Added: - 92 new tokens for SaucerSwap - Supported token lists for mainnet and testnet (,

  • v 0.3.2 (13.12.2023) Fixed: - Nullify field values on switching tokens

  • v 0.3.1 (12.12.2023) Added: - HSuite indirect swaps ("Smart routing") Updated: - HSuite rate source (API instead of tokenPair)

  • v 0.3.0 (30.11.2023) Added: - HSuite - Approx. network fee - Notifications (success/error transactions) - Loader (spinner) Updated: - Code refactoring (introduce Typescript)

  • v 0.2.2 (22.10.2023) Added: - Search in tokens modal (by name, symbol and address) Fixed: - Precision of rate (consider 0.3% of each DEX fee) - Leading zero in fields - Testnet factory address - Field values after exchange

  • v 0.2.1 (14.10.2023) Added: - Version of application in right bottom corner Fixed: - Overlapping social icons - Styles on mobile page - Website (main page) updates - SPA routing (opening /tokens page)

  • v 0.2.0 (09.10.2023) Added: - Blade wallet Updated: - Slightly reduced gas amount for HeliSwap (cheaper WHBAR burning) - Code refactoring Fixed: - Bug on switching network to testnet

  • v 0.1.2 (29.09.2023) Added: - Price impact calculation - Min receive / Max spend values Updated: - Slippage rate set to 1.0% by default - UI improvements (hint with too hight price impact, input fields validation)

  • v 0.1.1 (18.09.2023) Added: - All tokens from SaucerSwap, Pangolin and HeliSwap - Rate refresh on idle (+progressbar) - Documentation (gitbook) - 404 page Fixed: - SPA routes 404

  • v 0.1.0 (12.09.2023) Beta version release

Last updated